We help our residents to make the most of every day at San Gabriel. We host an engaging activities schedule that provides meaningful occupation and promotes healthy daily routines which include frequent, focused exercises for the mind and body.
7:00 am-9:00 | Floating Breakfast Times (to suit our residents’ natural rhythms) |
9:00-10:00 | Personal Time/One-on-Ones |
10:00 | Daily Devotions |
10:15 | Hydration/Snacks |
10:45 | Daily News Review |
11:00 | Family Photos Memories Chat |
11:45 | Personal Time |
12:00 pm-1:30 | Lunch |
1:30-2:30 | Personal Time/One-on-Ones |
2:30 | “Pump It Up” with Elastic Bands |
3:00 | Hydration/Snacks |
3:30 | Brain Ticklers |
4:00 | Kitchen Club |
5:00 | Dinner |
6:00 | Personal Time/One-on-Ones |
7:00 | Evening News |
7:30 | Popcorn at the Movies |
8:30-9:00 | Unwinding/Personal Time |